What I Under Stand 
htlm And Git Bash (linux)

What I Under Stand htlm And Git Bash (linux)


What I understand about Git

Meaning of Git bash

Git bash is an application for Microsoft windows enviroment which provides an
emulation layer for a Git command line experience.

Git commands

  • These are commands used (given) to be carried out on git applications.
  • 10 simple git commands

    Git clone

  • It is a command used for downloading
    existing source code from a remote repository ( like Git hub for example).
  • Git branch

  • Branches are highly important in git world.
    These help developers to be able to work in parallel on the same project simultaneously.
  • Git checkout

  • These is also one of the most used Git command,
    these command helps to work in branch.
  • Git statues

  • These Git status command gives all the necessary
    information about the current branch.
  • Git push

  • Git push uploads your commit to the remote repository.
  • Git pull

  • These command is used to
    get update from the remote repo.
  • Git revert

  • Sometimes we need to undo the changes that we have made.
    These command is used to undo the changes that you have made.
    A safer way that we can undo our commit is by using git reserve.
  • Git merge

  • When you've completed development in your branch and
    everything work fine, the final step
    is to merge the branch .
  • Git add

  • these command add a file to your staging area
  • Git log

  • These command is used to list the version history for the current branch.
  • HTLM


    Meaning of html (HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE)

    This is a standard markup language
    for document designed to
    be played on a web browser.


  • Head tag
    Contain information for the document
  • Body tag
    Defines the document body
  • Tittle tag
    Defines the tittle for the document
  • Header 1 to 6
    Define htlm heading
  • Strong
    Define important text
  • html
    Define html document
  • !doctype
    Defines the document type
  • p
  • br
    Break, to cut the sentence to another line
  • table
    To create a table